COMMENDAM - Black's Law Dictionary

What is COMMENDAM? Definition of COMMENDAM in Black's Law Dictionary - Legal dictionary - Glossary of legal terms.

In ecclesiastical law. The  appointment of a suitable  clerk to hold a void or vacant benefice  or church living until a regular pastor be appointed. Hob. 144; Latch,  236.

In Commercial Law.  A species of limited partnership. The  limited partnership (or Societe en commanditó) of the  French law  has  been introduced  into the Code  of Louisiana under  the title of "Partnership in Commendam." Civil Code La. art. 2810  (Civ.Code, art. 2839). See Mitchell, in 3 Sel.Essays, Anglo Amer.L.H. 183; Commandite; Societe.

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That's the definition of COMMENDAM in Black's Law Dictionary - Legal dictionary - Glossary of legal terms. Courtesy of